Appy IU is an onine admissions application for undergraduate students to apply to any of the IU campuses across the state. The legacy system had a number of issues, making it difficult (and in some cases impossible) for potential students to complete their applications online. Likewise, from a maintenance perspective, any changes to admissions criteria or data presented in the application had to be updated by the development team - requiring ongoing time and attention beyond development.
Screen 1: Initial screen of the online legacy application
The project's redesign goals included:
Screen 2: Initial screen of the new online apply IU system
The new design focuses on a streamlined process that is much easier for the student to understand and a cleaner, more professional look and feel. Throughout the application, questions/sections may be dynamically added based on a student's answers. For example, if the student is appling to the School of Music, an additional section is displayed in the lefthand navigation. Another significant change was adding in logic to determine a student's status such as international, adult student, etc. rather than requiring the student to know how to classify themselves.
Screen 3: Academic Information in the new Apply IU system
As a student moves through sections of the application, the system will alert them to any pages that are not complete or have errors on them. Once a page is completed, a checkmark appears next to the page title in the navigation.
Screens 4, 5, 6: Apply IU on mobile
The three screenshots above show the layout as seen on a mobile phone. The clean, responsive design allows potential students to easily complete the application on their mobile device if they choose/need to. The lefthand navigation bar is hidden in a menu , accessed through the hamburger icon at the top right corner.